Hi, I’m Emily snouffer.

An Austin, Texas native, I have always been a mover. I started dance at the ripe age of two and dabbled in other sports like swimming, diving and track. Once I graduated high school I attended the University of Texas at Austin where I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BFA in Dance. During my time at UT, I fell in love with Pilates as part of our required cross-training and got my certification to teach in NYC.

As I entered the fitness space in New York City as an instructor, I saw so many people pushing themselves beyond their limits, not taking into consideration the stress of their daily life. Movement seemed like a punishment to so many and seemed like a place of extreme control rather than freedom or joy. I felt a great responsibility to begin to change that in the spaces I led. My classes, training sessions and method (Ki•nect), are my solution to what’s wrong in the fitness and wellness space. It’s a body neutral, challenging yet restorative mind body workout. You’ll feel your body working hard but you’ll also begin to listen and understand what YOUR body, mind and spirit need. My hope is to help you better listen to your body so that you can consistently work toward feeling good. Once you start focusing on how you feel and what movement can do FOR you, the physical results you’re chasing will most likely come easier to you as well.

As a personal trainer, I see you as a whole person: the good in your life, the stress in your life, sleep deprivation, life changes etc, and create targeted workout plans to build your body up to achieve your goals.

Through my own struggles with disordered eating, over-exercising and pushing too hard in life, I know firsthand what it feels like to not feel your best. Learn to trust your body and let your body trust you. Full body wellness might just be that simple. Feel your best and trust your body’s innate healing power.

My Approach

Wellness does not and should not have to be complicated. I’ll give you the tools to master your health “foundations” and I’ll help you re-connect to what lights you up and what makes you feel like you. This might sound like a big promise from a Personal Trainer… and maybe a little “woo woo,” but movement is such an amazing, simple way to check-in with ourselves. How are these things in your life: joy, purpose, relationships, career, creativity etc? These have a profound impact on your physical health and may be blocking you from getting out of life (or your workouts) what you want.


Learn how your body works. Learn what sleep, stress, food and movement do to your body and what works best for your unique body. When you know how your body works, you can make informed choices for your best health.


We have forgotten how to listen to our inner voice. Diets, exercise plans, detoxes and an over-flux of information on Dr. Google and social media have disconnected us to what we actually want and need. What foods feel good to eat? What movement energizes you and feels healing? Re-learn how to listen to your beautiful body and brilliant intuition.